Marvin is a fabulous mobile eReading app. Any ePub or PDF book can be loaded into Marvin and read from your iOS device. Marvin also integrates with cloud-based services such as DropBox that make it easy to sync your eBooks without having to tether your phone to your computer.

Annotating a Book

With an eBook open in Marvin, touch and hold on the text that you want to annotate. The text will be selected. You can drag and drop the sliders under the text to expand or contract your selection area. Several options will show above the selected text.


Click on the paint brush icon with the “+” to highlight the selected text and enter a note.


Enter your note in the box and then tap away from the window to save the note into this book’s annotations.



The selected text is now highlighted. You can click on the highlighted text to edit your note.


Exporting Annotations

You can export an individual annotation or a list of all annotations for a book by first clicking on the book icon at the top of the Marvin app.


Click on the Highlights tab at the bottom to view the list of annotations for this book. Click the export icon at the top right corner to access the export options.


Tapping the Export Annotations option will create a .MRV file that can only be read by others that have the Marvin App (nice for backups but not a great way to send annotations to others). Instead, use the Send Highlights and Notes option to export a list of all annotations for the book.


An email is created for you that has both a .CSV (comma separated values) that can be opened in Microsoft Excel or Apple Numbers and a .HTML file that can be opened in any browser. These formats are totally portable and easily sent to anyone that needs a list of your annotations.


Marvin is a convenient app to create annotations on the go and easily export them in an open format.