This is one of those apocalyptic movies that I’ve heard buzz about for years but only now found the time to actually watch it. Some of the reviews on IMDB are over-the-top in their praise of the film so I had high expectations and those expectations were actually mostly met.

The beginning of the film is terrible though. Like some kind of low-budget Lifetime midnight movie. But just hang in there. About 10 minutes in, things get good. Really good. Without giving too much away, the main character overhears a conversation that he wasn’t supposed to hear. And the ramifications of what he hears could possibly spell the end of the world. Panic ensues, people go nuts, rumors spread, and all of the suspense builds to a gutsy ending that I couldn’t believe made it through the Hollywood system.

Supposedly, this script was set to be the basis of the Twilight Zone movie (until it was later changed to an anthology picture) but it’s not hard to see why. This would have been a great premise for the Twilight Zone movie. Right in line with some of Rod Serling’s best scripts. If you like thought-provoking thrillers with socially conscious messages about humanity, Miracle Mile is one of the low-budget greats.