With one of the hardest-to-pronounce titles of the era, this lesser-known film is actually quite a gem. First of all, I love Cary Grant with Father Goose (1946) being my favorite role of his, this is actually a similar character and his one-liners are just as well-timed and funny in Mr. Blandings.

This is actually the film that inspired the Tom Hank’s movie: The Money Pit (1986) which, by the way, is great as well and still holds up quite well. But while both films have a few similar story beats and basically revolve around a couple trying to build a house when everything is going wrong on the project, the dialogue in Mr. Blandings especially shines. The Money Pit had a lot of site gags and physical comedy. But Mr. Blandings is all about fast-paced zingers, witty quips, and funny situations.

I laughed out loud a lot during this and really enjoyed it. Recommended.