Great portrayal of a moment in Civil Rights history. David Oyelowo who played Martin Luther King Jr. was excellent and despite the over-used profile shots, looks a lot like Dr. King. Oprah actually wasn’t bad at all in her smaller role too.

The film is well-framed and shot but at times, almost too technically proficient, making it feel more like I was watching a “movie” than experiencing the events of history. A small nitpick.

There is a scene towards the end that has some out of place music that was horrible and really pulled me out of the film. It kills what would have been a powerful emotional moment. It’s my only real complaint.

I was disappointed to see that they fudged history a bit on what really happened between LBJ and MLK but I do have to admit that changing history did make for a more exciting story even if it wasn’t accurate. But that’s a small thing in the overall scheme of a great film.

Very well done and worth seeing.