Considered by many to be one of the worst films of 1986, it’s been on my list for a long time if for nothing else than to see just how bad it is. And… it’s terrible but in a fun sort of way. I’m watching virtually ever post-apocalyptic films ever made and I’d been pushing this off for a while now.

The story is about a group of rollerblading orphans who must save the world’s dwindling water supply from a fascist government while befriending a glowing orb ball that guides them on their journey (not making this up).

Some highlights: “Michael” and “Star” from The Lost Boys are the two leads in this. As usual, Jason Patric is good even in a bad film. Richard Jordan (who played Duncan in David Lynch’s Dune) chews the scenery as a bad guy and that’s fun. The evil super lady from Superman II is in this (never seen her in any other movie so that was interesting) and the kid from Witness is here, doing his “surprised” look which is all he seemed to be able to do until Nolan put him in Inception years later.

Recommended only for post-apocalyptic completists or someone looking for a good laugh.