I’m so happy Peanuts were treated with love and respect. Schulz would be proud of this little CG version of his characters. The film combines elements of the classic TV Peanuts broadcasts while putting together its own unique story. There are clever nods to some of the absurdities of the comic strip (like the fact that Charlie Brown always wears the same clothes) and then there are nice updates to the series like the introduction of the new girl in school (I love that all the characters call “the new girl in class” instead of by her name).

Most of the music is the classic jazz numbers we all know and love although there were a couple of modern pop songs but they were used in a way that didn’t feel too forced. I also loved the message of the film. Honesty, kindness, integrity. Rare attributes for modern kids-films. No fart jokes or movie references to be found here. Just good old-fashioned classic storytelling and morales. Highly recommended.