Ever since I started working on Tales of the Macabre West, I’ve spent a good deal of time coming up with scary story ideas. I appear to be on the right track because my wife informs me there have been many a night lately where I talk in my sleep. More like whimpering instead of talking according to her.

I’m having some nightmares. When they are intense, I’ll wake up but I rarely remember what the dream was about. I remember maybe a flash or a picture from the dream but more likely, all I have is the feeling – uneasiness, suspense, stress (all the fun feelings you have in a really good scary movie) and then I realize it was all a dream and I go back to sleep in minutes.

Isn’t That a Good Sign?

If you’re writing a scary story, shouldn’t it scare yourself first and foremost? Nightmares are a great breeding ground for suspense. The more real the stories become as I write them, the more vivid the dreams.

The interesting thing is that the dreams appear to be a reaction to what I write. They are not driving the writing as much as they are responding to it. The dream comes after a great writing session. My subconscious is where the true magic happens.

Nightmares are Good?

Many will wonder, you’re glad you’re having nightmares?

Well… Yes (I don’t have nightmares every night by the way). I take it as a good sign. If I can scare myself, surely I’ll be able to scare others. I get more excited everyday about how this book is coming together.