I’ve been graciously invited back for Salt Lake FanX 2015. For any that might not know, Salt Lake City has two big “geek” conventions each year. In the late Winter, there’s FanX which is more focused on pop culture, movies, and TV shows. Then in the late Summer, there’s Salt Lake Comic Con which is more focused on comics & comic-based movies/TV shows.

FanX is happening this coming week: Thursday (Jan 29), Friday (Jan 30), and Saturday (Jan 31). I’ll be there all three days. If you are going to be at the show, let me know. I’d love to say “hi” and meet up!

Here’s the schedule of panels I’ll be appearing on this week:

Thursday Jan 29

4:00pm – Religion in Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror (Ballroom C)

Friday Jan 30

1:30pm – The Films of Christopher Nolan (Ballroom B)

Saturday Jan 31

12:30pm – Why the Prequels Make the Classic Star Wars Trilogy Better (Ballroom B)

2:00pm – The Science of Interstellar (Ballroom C)

3:30pm – The Future is Here: What Back to the Future Part II Got Right About the Year 2015 (Ballroom B)

See you there!