Although this is only my first year of blogging, I thought it would be fun to put together a list of my most popular blog posts of 2013. Here’s a list of the top 5 blog posts that received the most traffic on the blog this year:

5) 4 Big Differences Between The Walking Dead TV Show and Comic

With the popularity of The Walking Dead comic and now TV show, this isn’t a huge surprise. I am surprised though that more people didn’t comment on things I missed. There are lots of other differences between the comic and the TV show that are arguably just as big as the ones I listed. I like the show okay but the comic is where the real story is. The first 50 issues are especially brilliant.

4) The Family that Quotes Movies Together

I was shocked to find this in the top list. A funny personal story about how our family has grown up quoting movies together at the dinner table wasn’t my first thought for viral traffic but it appears to have caught the imagination of quite a few readers. I’m thinking of doing a follow-up post where I list out some movie quotes and do a contest to see who can name all the movies they are from.

3) 9 Useful Google Search Tricks

After I wrote this one up, I had a feeling it might get some good traffic. I use Google ALL the time so I thought sharing a few of my favorite search tips would be useful for others. Turns out a lot of other people use Google also and a few of the tips on my list were somewhat unknown. Glad this one helped some people use Google more effectively.

2) Why Are We Critical of Everything?

I’m so happy this post got some traction. Looking back on the avalanche of negativity that flooded Twitter, Facebook, and comments on my favorite websites this year, it only reinforces the thoughts I wrote about in this post. For 2014, I’d like to see a lot more people being passionate about something they love instead of channeling that passion into trashing things. We have become a hyper-critical society.

1) 10 Perfect Science Fiction Movies

This was one of my favorite (and most fun) posts I wrote this year. I like writing up lists like this and especially writing about favorite movies. I need to do some other genres this year. Maybe a thriller category? Westerns might be fun too. I haven’t seen enough of some genres to make sure I have a good list so I might have to do some more watching as well.

It will be fun to go back and look at this post later on and compare it with what hits big in 2014. Looking forward to another great year!