
Body Bags was a TV movie that originally aired on Showtime. The movie is an anthology film, consisting of three separate short horror stories. The first two are directed by John Carpenter himself and the last is directed by Tobe Hooper (Texas Chainsaw Massacre). The first part (Gas Station) feels more like a mundane Twilight Zone episode but then turns into an over the top slasher. It’s the scariest of the three.

The second (Hair) is more of a comedy / horror with Stacy Keach playing a balding man who undergoes a disastrous hair treatment. The final is my personal favorite (Eye) starring Mark Hamill as an up and coming baseball player who suffers a severe injury to his eye and undergoes the first eye-replacement surgery. Though the surgery is a success, unfortunately the donor eye was from a killer and the eye begins to take over. Mark Hamill has the perfectly cheesy line when his wife him to come in from digging in the backyard, “I can’t. I have to finish digging your grave.”

Possibly the best part (certainly the most entertaining) is seeing John Carpenter with heavy makeup and dressed up as a morgue worker spouting one-liners and dead body puns. Hilarious. It’s not a masterpiece but hey, it’s John Carpenter and it’s a blast.