Movie Diary
I’m starting a new movie diary on the blog. There are more than enough reviews out there so this won’t be a long form review or really a review at all. Just my reactions to movies I see and thoughts that occurred to me about the film. Since I watch a lot of movies, especially older and lesser known films, hopefully you might find out about some films you’ve never heard of before that would be worth checking out.
I’m also not going to do any “stars” or “1 to 10 ratings” because it’s so subjective and I never know. Sometimes I’ll watch a movie and feel like I’m not even sure if I liked it, then see it again and realize it’s brilliant or that I hated it. My mind needs time to process most films so no sense in trying to force some kind of subjective measurement to what really is “art” to me.
Blogging Once a Week
With all the creative goals I’ve got for this year, I’m going to switch to blogging once a week. Occasionally, I may post multiple times in a week when something really exciting is happening but I want to devote as much time as possible to writing and creating.
By the way, that’s not to say blogging is an uncreative activity. I’ve actually found blogging on a consistent schedule to be an engaging, stimulating, and worthwhile pursuit. I like being on Facebook and Twitter (it seems I’m one of few who doesn’t hate social media) but their “short” formats for posts make it hard to really express myself at times. Sometimes a few words just won’t do and I love having the blog to really complete a thought
So don’t be alarmed (I’m sure you’re not), I’m not gone and consistent blogging is still one of my goals for 2015.