Cronos (1993) is Guillermo Del Toro’s first official film (he did some shorts before this) and what a debut it is. Cronos is largely a reimagining of a classic vampire story but with so many added twists that you aren’t sure what’s going to happen next (and that’s a great thing). Also written by Del Toro, the pacing feels really smooth for a first feature and the story keeps you guessing along the way.

Even though this was Del Toro’s first feature, we can already begin to see trademarks the director is still using today like showing the inner gear workings of the cronos device or the old man’s cane with a hidden knife handle. Even the lighting and character work have echoes of his current films. The creature makeup is quite good for the low budget. There’s also a surprising amount of humor. The ending feels so much like an old Hammer horror film, you can definitely see where Del Toro’s influences come from. Recommended.