I have a vague memory that I think I may have watched this when it debuted on SyFy channel back in 2000 but besides a few images, I have no memory of the film. When a film makes that little of an impact, that’s usually a bad sign but it’s been so long, I wanted to watch this and see how it holds up 15 years later.

It’s interesting because compared to David Lynch’s Dune, this film follows the book much closer and yet doesn’t work as well. Lynch’s film is so visionary (however flawed) and intensely compelling that this low-budget SyFy presentation feels lesser in nearly every moment. From bad acting, improperly directed actors, and just over-acting in general to the horribly dated CG backgrounds & sets, there’s not a lot to like here anymore. The costume design is particularly horrible. Ironically, some of the best moments are actually direct copies of Lynch’s Dune.

Only recommended for Frank Herbert’s Dune fans.