In a lot of ways, this is a better movie than Lethal Weapon. It doesn’t have Rigg’s satisfying character arc of the first but there are so many memorable scenes here that the combination seems to push it over the top. It’s a rare thing when a sequel bests the first but this just might have done it.

The toilet bomb scene alone is worth watching but there are so many others from Joe Pesci’s Leo character saying “ok” endlessly to the house on stilts stunt to the condom commercial to the iconic nail-gun fight. One thing’s for sure, this film is a lot funnier than the first and that helps it immensely.

So far, all of these Lethal Weapons look horribly dated and much of the time, it feels they are parodying themselves but it’s still fun, good cast chemistry, and some nice action pieces that feel all the more real because they are actually real (stunts instead of CG).