Kevin Costner is a national treasure. I know he mostly plays the same type of character but darn it all if I don’t love that character. He’s got a screen presence that’s magnetic and I absolutely believe he is the character he’s playing in nearly every movie he’s been in. McFarland is no different. He provides a weight that anchors the whole film.

This is an inspirational sports movie that’s been done a hundred times before and yet, this film has some unique moments that elevate it above the cliches. For one, it strikes a nice balance between the outsider “white guy” and the local hispanic townspeople, each sharing their talents and culture with each other. It’s based on a true story and by the end, I really cared for each of the characters and felt an emotional connection to them as they ran the final race (the story is about a cross country team).

I lived down in El Paso, TX when I was younger. Most of my friends & acquaintances were hispanic there and they absolutely were the kindest, most thoughtful and giving people I’ve ever been around. This film nails exactly what it felt like to be an outsider coming into their culture and how they embraced me. That’s totally accurate to how welcomed I felt.

The film is appropriate for the whole family (rated PG and made by Disney). It’s got emotional weight. It’s highly recommended.