Why didn’t Tony Scott (rest in peace) make more films like this during his career? This is really amazing. It’s his first film and it is so creative, so aggressive, so edgy. I almost can’t believe this came from the same man who’s next film was Top Gun. They couldn’t be more different in tone and subject.

The Hunger stars David Bowie and Susan Sarandon and is a vampire story like none I’ve seen before. It’s shot very economically, only giving you pieces of the story and characters in little bursts, all the while letting a million questions fill your mind about why things are happening and what might happen next. It’s got the same kind of feel that a really good book has, always making  you want to read further to find out what happens next. The finale is particularly spectacular, turning the film into a sort of haunted house horror fest. I’m not sure it’s for everyone but I absolutely loved this.