This is a well-made, compelling film that is absolutely gorgeous to look at. Every frame is beautiful. There are touching moments here that give you insight into what Hawkings’ life was like. The screenplay is great as well. Eddie Redmayne is tremendous here in a transforming role as Hawking.

All of that being said, I wasn’t blown away by it. For me, a movie like Selma that came out about the same time was much better. I think the problem here is that the movie plays like most biographical movies, a “greatest hits” of a person’s life. It’s interesting and well done but Selma’s approach, just a moment in time (like Lincoln a few years ago) gave me a much greater sense of the person. I felt like I’ve seen this type of movie so many times before and though really well done, it felt strangely obvious and familiar.

I don’t think it should have been nominated for Best Picture (did deserve nominations for Best Actor and Best Cinematography though). Regardless, it’s still recommended.