Man, is this better than I remember! Just looking at Waterworld from a story-structure standpoint, it’s actually a great script. The film has a satisfying ending, lots of suspense, and a good underlying sense of humor that keeps things moving.

Actually, I’m not sure if I ever saw Waterworld all the way through. The bad press it got when it first premiered soured it in my mind without even giving it a chance. That was my loss because there are some incredible set pieces and filmmaking on display here if you look at it objectively. I honestly don’t know how this bombed (although, reading the IMDB profile, I found out that the film actually made money and wasn’t the financial loss we all heard it was).

Costner is quite good hear as usual in one of his more gutsy roles (not just playing himself) and Dennis Hopper is so much fun, chewing the scenery as the antagonist. Watched it with my kids and they were riveted throughout. Recommended for anyone who doesn’t remember this film fondly.